Here is a dating question that I’m going to answer for you.

“Dear James, what is the general etiquette towards inviting a date to an Office or Family Christmas party? It is a good idea or one that should be avoided? I know you are the Dating Expert so I wondered if you can help! Best Wishes, Carol”
Hi Carol,
The key thing here is – did you just start dating? That makes all the difference.
If you have just started dating someone and things are progressing but things are still new, you should remember these pointers:
1. Do not feel compelled to invite him to your Family Christmas Gatherings or Office Party
Family Gatherings, especially at the Holidays and Office Christmas Parties can be a bit stressful and, not that it needs to be mentioned but awkward too. By adding a new beau or lady into the mix will only increase pressure that will be on you to make things not as stressful or awkward. Besides, he or she will more than likely find relief in knowing that you allowed him or her off of the hook and will be much easier for you both.
2. Do not get offended if He or She does not invite you to their Family Christmas Gathering or Office Party
These things work both ways for you both. It is important to understand the level at which you are on with your special someone and when the time is right for including them into these major areas of your life. Are you really ready for him to meet your boss or parents? It’s probably best not to mix things up at what can already be a stressful time.
I hope that helps!
James Preece is the Dating Guru – the UK’s top Dating Expert and Dating Coach. If you have your own question that needs answering email him and he’ll publish the best here.