Guest Dating Blog: How many frogs must I kiss?

Here’s a fantastic blog about Asian Dating from the wonderful @missmatched31


If you find yourself aged 30 and single it’s hard enough to find a partner, but imagine having the additional pressure of meeting someone who fits your families criteria of religious and cultural background.

On one hand, you might think that having such restricted parameters makes it a bit easier as your dating pool is much smaller and your family is actively involved in finding you a partner.
But consider this, single girls who have been born and brought up in the UK will often be matched up with single men with whom they have only two things in common: age and ethnicity. This is apparently the magic formula for a successful marriage. While it may have worked for hundreds of people in my parent’s generation, despite trying, I’ve had no success.

So what’s a girl to do?

Is the elusive ‘click’ too much to ask for?

I’ve been on more arranged blind dates than I care to remember. I’ve met men who spend all their spare time eating chicken; men who are obsessed with their mothers and want to live with them forever; men who only talk about football; men who think a woman’s place is still in the kitchen; men who talk about trains on a first date; men who want their parents to meet a girl before they take her on a date and a whole host of misfits.

Having subjected myself to this for a few years, I now realise that the only solution is to think outside the box and look for someone who:

a) I actually like as a person (regardless of their family background)

b) wants a partner in all senses of the word and NOT a second mother.

Widening the pool has led to a whole new dating experience for me, I have met interesting men who are genuinely looking to get to know a girl and have a relationship (rather than look for a dolly who can be the family trophy).

I still haven’t met Mr.Right but dating on my own terms has suddenly made it a whole lot more fun, without the additional pressures. I’m excited about the future and finally beginning to enjoy dating.

What’s wrong with dating someone that you really like?




As the top UK dating expert , I’m always looking for new articles my readers may find interesting. Would you like to write a guest dating blog for me?  If so, you can find out more about how to do this HERE