Are you thinking of signing up to a dating agency or introduction agency?

If so, you need to be really careful that you are joining a trustworthy, reputable site.
Dating Agencies can be a fantastic solution for single professionals. Once you have joined on, they will match you up with suitable matches using their dating expert knowledge and resources. It’s not cheap, but it’s a wonderful way of saving time and avoiding bad dating experiences. They do the work so you don’t have to.
However, there are rather sadly some rogue introduction agencies out there who are just interested in taking your money. They will take on endless members regardless of how many possible people they can match you with.
So how do you know which ones are legitimate and which aren’t? Your investment is usually several thousands of pounds so you must make sure you are getting what you need.
There is also the dilemma about which one you should sign up with. Do you need an established agency or a cheaper newcomer? Do you want to be matched with people on their books or have them actively headhunt for you?
To help, I’m offering a completely free advice service to help you decide which dating agency is right for you.
I’m the UK’s leading Dating Expert and I work alongside many of the best dating companies. I run regular singles events, online dating sites and coach thousands of singles each year. I can tell you exactly which dating agency will suit you best. I have my reputation to consider, so I only work with reputable introduction agencies.
At the moment, this is only for London dating agencies as that’s the main area I work with. I’ll be expanding this to other areas later this year.
So if you’d like some help, fill out the no obligation form on:
You just have to tell me a few lines about the type of person you are looking to meet and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours. There is no cost to you for my advice so no catches. If you then decide you’d like my dating coaching advice once you’ve joined then that’s a bonus.
Happy dating!