Common Complaints I Hear at Singles Parties

Here’s a quick blog for you.  I run regular singles parties and most people have a lovely time and meet some great people.

However,  you really can’t please everyone.  I get the same complaints time and time again and it’s fascinating how two people can view the same event differently.

Here are the sort of things that I hear:

1) The men are too old

2) The men are too young

3) It’s too noisy

4) It’s too quiet

5) It’s too hot

6) It’s too cold

7) There are too many people

8 ) There aren’t enough people

9) My new personal favourite….”Do you have one where the women are more desperate?”

10) The venue is too small

11) The venue is too big

12) The drinks are too expensive

13)  I don’t like the mirrors

14)  The women are too tall

15) The hosts are the best looking people here

16) I’ve just arrived ( at 11pm) – can I do the speed dating?

I’m writing this just so I can show you that the right attitude from the start can make ALL the difference!   Come just to have a good night out and stay positive.  Whinging is not an attractive quality 😉

James Preece – The Dating Guru